Phenicia Glass Works Ltd. has a close connection to Yeruham and its residents.

About 50% of the company’s employees are residents of Yeruham.

Phenicia leases the services of as many local suppliers as possible (catering, maintenance equipment …)

The company works in cooperation with the local authority in various projects and in hosting visitors to the community.

Phenicia led a project for more than a year in cooperation with the local authority, where youth who dropped out of formal educational frameworks were employed.

The youth were required to write and submit their resume, to undergo a job interview, and upon their acceptance to work all the laws and procedures of the company’s employees were applied to them. During their work, they were trained in various occupations.

One of these youth continued to work and was accepted as a full-time employee!

Phenicia cooperates on a regular and productive basis with the designers’ terminal in Yeruham. The Yeruham Design Terminal is a young cultural institution with a group of designers from various fields. The group creates and develops projects, exhibitions and events, in connection with the local identity, with the aim of developing a new and kicking design language.

The terminal acts as a cultural laboratory of Mifal Hapayis, an initiative aimed at encouraging and promoting cultural, artistic and qualitative creativity from within the periphery.

The terminal is operated by the “Le’atzat” organization, which promotes young designers and design as an engine for social and economic change.

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